Everything you need to pull yourself out of your funk and get your mojo back!
Watch PromoGot mojo?
Yeah, neither did we.
Hi Loves,
Tracee Sioux and Darryl Stewart here to welcome you to the Get Your Mojo Back course! There are soooo many reasons that we lose our mojo: major change, grief, depression, burn-out, illness, fucking elections and the freak-show that follows, media, the looming potential death of the planet, failure and perceived failure, death, chemical imbalance, falling off whatever wagon you were riding. The list of what might make us loose our mojo and have us staring malaise in the face and wondering where our gung-ho went is exhaustive.
Maybe you’re having a big birthday, your children are growing up, your nest empties, you go through a divorce and have to learn to navigate life on your own again, you get fired or downsized, your profession gets outsourced, your parents die, you have a baby, you get married, you graduate from college, you move across the country …
Sometimes nothing is happening that puts you in a funk. That's the most confusing and confounding of all. At least if it was situational you could understand it!
Sometimes, as we've found with countless clients, friends, fans and ourselves, we haven’t lost our mojo at all. We’re fighting the natural flow of the Universe—CHANGE. We’re receiving something we’ve asked for and called forth and there’s this thing that happens when we face change, we become discontent with what we have so that we are motivated to move on.
You’re not alone. Lordy there’s an enormous shift in the entire Universe happening right now. So, it’s natural and expected—necessary, even—for us to sit down and take a minute. Take a minute to go through the following processes to put things into their proper perspective. It’s critical to not just jump from the next thing to the next thing without sitting down and taking a proper accounting of where we’ve been and what kind of badassery we’ve accomplished.
This course will help you do just that. Please, do yourself the honor of putting on these new lenses … along the way, you’ll get your mojo back!
Tracee & Darryl
What You'll Get:
Tracee's Get Your Mojo Back Workbook: 7 Critical and Important Sections and Fundamentally Required Worksheets
Review your intentions
Look at your experience
Assess your year
Re-assess your original intentions
Release what’s not serving you
Complete what’s nagging at you
Train the Universe with gratitude and celebration
and ...
that fire in your belly ...
your magic ...
your magnetism ...
it's BACK baby!
Darryl's Tapping videos will remove any blocks, resistances and obstacles you're inevitably going to bump up against. Watch them, follow along, sit back and notice your mojo return. They're so easy and effective that you'll feel like you're cheating—but you don't get extra gold stars for suffering folks. Nope.
- EFT Tapping Points Introduction Video
- Life is Unfair Sometimes! Tapping Video
- Overwhelm: On Your Own and Little Support Tapping Video
- Is Perfectionism Hurting Your Mojo?
- Specific Tapping for Your Unique Resistance
Get started now!
Your Instructor
Tracee is the best selling author of over a dozen books including The Year of YES! and Soul vs. Ego Smackdown. She hosts a popular podcast Year of YES! Radio. Darryl is a master at helping people break through their own B.S. through tapping (emotional freedom technique). Tapping is one of the least painful and quickest ways to push past resistance and surge forward to manifesting what you want.
Frequently Asked Questions
You just don't want to.
Loves, don't stay in this funk. We KNOW —oh boy do we know—that when you're in a funk, a malaise, a depression, a deep-dark hole, or even feeling a bit "meh" the very last thing you want to do is to jump into a course and focus on all the good stuff in your life and write the Universe gratitude letters for getting you into this mess.
Gross. Fuck Off!
Well said. Still.
Still, you can't stay in this funk forever. You can either go UP in your vibration, or you can go down. There's a new age, a new chapter, a new phase, a new energy being birthed right now—it's literally in the stars—and it's expected to last a good DECADE. Are you going to grow moss or brush your knees off and get back in the game?
Force of Will. That's what's required to make the most of this course. Just start. Force yourself to do the steps.
In the End—if you do the work, obviously—your spark will be brighter than ever. Smarter and more pragmatic than before. Less willy nilly. More intentional. And your energy will be shining so BRIGHT that people will say, "I want whatever they're having!" when they meet you.